The Coach Approach

Personal Development Coaching

Anyone can benefit from having a Personal Development Coach.

Whatever you want to achieve and wherever you are in your journey, Personal Development Coaching can help you to feel more positive and comfortable with yourself, and help you to get where you want to go.
I focus on putting you back in control of your own life, not by looking back and going over the past, but by looking at what you want now and where you would like to be in the future.

I use specific carefully constructed questions and active listening to get to know you, and develop a personal programme which will enable you to get the most out of the coaching. I also use the MBTI psychometric tool to understand your personality, and work with you so that you find yourself becoming more aware of any negative thoughts and self-limiting beliefs, and more in control of, and able to banish, that negative self-talk. Should it be needed, I am also fully able to help with conflict resolution, using the TKI psychometric tool.

Personal Development Coaching can help you in many areas, and sessions will be focused on what you want to achieve and how to get you there as quickly and easily as possible.

  • We might look at improving your self-esteem and building your confidence, enabling you to reach for your goals and be more assertive.

I could help to improve your motivation and your time management and stop that annoying procrastination that gets in your way.

If you are an over achiever, on the other hand, maybe you need help finding a better work/life balance, and learning to relax and leave work behind once you return home.
  • Perhaps you would like to deal once and for all with your stress, learn to relax and stop feeling anxious all the time, or learn how to more effectively deal with change.

The benefits of Personal Development Coaching

The benefits of coaching are as individual as you are, and vary depending on what you want to work on and achieve, but you might find yourself feeling more self-confident and self-aware after our sessions, no matter what you attend for.

Life Coaches