Sound Baths & Sound Healing

Sound Baths & Sound Healing

We’re offering this wonderful modality at The Wellness Hub now!…This ancient, but newly emerging approach to Health Medicine is an exciting field gaining increasing attention in the world of health. As well as supporting the body’s bioenergetic system, Sound Healing...

The Flow State by Life Coach Brian Tregunna

Life Coach Brian Tregunna works with a wide variety of clients from various different backgrounds to help them achieve high performance. In this brief article, he outlines how to achieve ‘The Flow State’. A state of mind that is central to being the best version of...
The Rule of 3

The Rule of 3

The Rule of 3 Life Coach Brian Tregunna explains how to simultaneously improve your time management and decision making. When studying information and subsequently making a decision, focus on just 3 KEY POINTS. You don’t need to over-analyse or know everything about...