Introducing Roshani

Introducing Roshani

I am Roshani Poudel Shrestha and I bring a unique blend of Nursing expertise and aesthetic specialization to our team. With a BSc in Nursing from Kingston, London, I have a solid foundation in healthcare that informs my practice as an aesthetic practitioner. My...
New Osteopath Hannah has joined the team

New Osteopath Hannah has joined the team

Introducing Hannah to The Hub I predominantly work as a structural osteopath, focusing on the area of pain or dysfunction and work out why the area is problematic. This may be due to an old injury, a recent accident, postural adaptations or strains at work. Treatment...
How does Acupuncture work?

How does Acupuncture work?

As an acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a lot of people ask me how acupuncture works. This is how I answer. Acupuncture and the tools of TCM regulate Qi flow. Disease processes start when Qi is deficient, moves in a jagged,...